Escape Room
Academic 2-PERSON-TEAM project (w/ Raquel Pérez)
Unity-based escape room in virtual reality (VR). The user is in a room and has to complete a puzzle that includes element manipulation and transformations.
Project for the Virtual and Augmented Reality course in MIRI, at UPC.
Target Device
This application is designed for smartphones using the Google Cardboard (or similar) headset plus a bluetooth controller. Hence, it only contains 3-DOF interactions.
Interaction with the environment
Selection: the selection is performed by pointing the object with a ray (which points to the centre of the FOV) and button A. Then, some object can be translated, moved closer/away, rotated or scaled.
Navigation: to move around the scene there are four teleport points available, which the user can select to apply the translation (pointer + button A).
Object manipulation:
Changing between interaction methods (rotate, scale, move) → Back button (trigger)
To drop/eat an object → button A
- X-axis (pitch) → button D
- Y-axis (yaw) → button C
- Z-axis (roll) → button B
- up → button C
- down → button D
- closer → button C
- further → button D
Room models attributions: avatrass
Sounds attributions: ShortRecord, InspectorJ, Robinhood76, nettimato, jomse.