Python Web Game HTML Django Javascript React

Color War

Academic SOLO project


Web application built with django, javascript, react, html, and css consisting in a war between two teams. Each new user must join a team (blue or red). Each team has its own warriors which are created by the members of the team itself. When a team wishes to do it, it can engage a battle, where the winner will be obtained “randomly” but proportional to the total warrior strength of each team. That is, the more global strength, the more chances to win. At each battle, every warrior loses 20 HP and its age increases in 10. When the HP reaches 0 or the age reaches 100, the warrior dies. Warrior strength can be upgraded by every member of the team, and HP can be restored as well, but age cannot. To create a warrior, a user must solve correctly 10 math calculations as challenge. To upgrade a warrior, a 1pt increase in any feature will suppose 1 math calculation to solve. For a better understanding, see the video demonstration below.

Final project for the CS50’s Web Programming with Python and JavaScript course by HarvardX
