C++ OpenGL Graphics Renderer

Physically Based Renderer (PBR)

Academic 2-PERSON-TEAM project


Real-time renderer built in C++ and OpenGL using Image Based Lighting (IBL) and Punctual Lighting in order to achieve physically based visuals.

Lab project for the UPF course Advanced Visualization.

Demo video


The following properties can be loaded as maps or constant factors.

  • Albedo
  • Normal
  • Roughness
  • Metallic
  • Opacity
  • Occlusion
  • Emission

Software Engine

This program has been developed using the framework provided by Javi Agenjo (in C++ with OpenGL) and with the assistance of Alejandro Rodriguez (UPF teacher), from the UPF course “Advanced Computer Graphics”.


Software Developers: Santi Gonzalez, Genís Plaja
Framework developer: Javi Agenjo (UPF teacher)
Assistance: Alejandro Rodríguez (UPF teacher)
Maps: 3D Textures