Hello everyone! This is an inaguration post for my new webpage, so I am going to discuss how it is structured and which kind of content may appear in the future.
- Home: blog-like landing page, listing the published posts (like this one) sorted by publication date (newest first).
- About: Plain page with academic and not so academic information about myself.
- Projects: Page listing some of my recent personal and academic projects.
- Resume: Page showing my current CV (formation, experience, skills…).
- XML Feed: XML feed page.
Most post will be dev-oriented articles or reports about computer graphics and game programming techniques. Still, I do not discard posting stuff about other topics. Also, I will use some posts as notice page for every new project I may add, introducing the topic, complexity, etc.
Each project will contain technical information about it, as well as features implemented, complexity, and whether it has been a solo project or a team project.
Notice that in the projects section, all projects are displayed and can be filtered by tags. Also, while hovering over the image of a project in that page, a small animated preview of it will be displayed, which is useful to get a brief idea of it without having to read the technical details (which I don’t think it is feasible if you want know something about all my projects in a short amount of time).
That would be all for this brief introduction. Thank you for your attention, and take care!